The complete COGIATI in document form for offline, pen-and-paper administration and scoring. Freely distributable.
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Created by Jennifer Diane Reitz, 1998
COGIATI contents copyright C 1998 Jennifer Diane Reitz, All Rights Reserved


The COGIATI may be used freely by anyone, anywhere, anytime, by professionals and laymen alike, with only one requirement: that the original COGIATI be properly attributed to the effort of Jennifer Diane Reitz. The COGIATI may be printed, distributed and freely disseminated. It may be used as a basis for further work, and more advanced tests. It may be freely used, providing that credit is given.

Combined Gender Identity And Transsexuality Inventory:

A unique test designed specifically for the uncertain pre-transitional
Male-to-Female gender dysphoric. The first comprehensive gender dysphoria test, COGIATI exists to help the individual determine a reasonable self definition from which further action can intelligently be taken. COGIATI has been created to help the individual understand what their gender issues mean, and provides suggestions on what to do about them.


Answer all the questions as absolutely honestly and accurately as you
can. The more honest your choices, the more accurate your result. Some
questions may be redundant, some are used as validation tools, and
others may seem odd or too obvious. All questions exist for specific


The COGIATI blends elements from many existing gender and sex identity
resources with original elements developed by the author, Jennifer Diane
Reitz. The inventory then calculates a score which will place the user in
one of five rough categories of gender status, and provides an outline of
suggested actions that the user might take with regard to that status.


The Combined Gender Identity And Transsexuality Inventory is precisely
and narrowly targeted to the Male-to-Female Pre-Operative,
Pre-Transitional individual who is currently unsure of what they really
want or who they really are.

The COGIATI is designed to help this type of individual specifically to
begin to solidify a basic stance from which to seek additional assistance.

The COGIATI exists to help the unsure come to some sort of grasp of
things in order to begin to solve their issues. It can also be used to confirm
or question existing self definitions.



Q. Describe your relationship with mathematics.

A. (-10) Mathematics is both useful and fun. I enjoy mathematical puzzles.
A. (-5) I am really pretty good at math.
A. (0) I do math as it is required of me.
A. (5) Mathematics is somewhat difficult at times. It isn't my favorite thing.
A. (10) I hate doing math! It is both tedious and a struggle for me.

Q. You get a phone call from somebody you met for the first time a few days ago. How easy is it for you to remember who they are by the sound of their voice?

A. (-10) Pretty difficult, I don't know them. I wish they would tell me their name.
A. (-5) I think I could remember, given enough time on the phone.
A. (0) Usually I know who they are after a minute or so.
A. (5) I can place them after a few seconds...I might have to think a bit.
A. (10) I would remember them pretty quickly. I am pretty good at placing voices.

Q. You are shown a number of close-up photographs of the faces of many different people you do not know. You are asked to describe the emotions that the people are feeling by the expressions on their faces alone. How well would you do, do you think?

A. (-10) Probably not that well. It is hard to read faces, you never really know for sure.
A. (-5) I would have a little difficulty with that. It's not that easy.
A. (0) I could probably guess most of them. Probably.
A. (5) I would be able to get most of them right, I think.
A. (10) I would definitely know what most of the people were feeling. Just look at their face!

Q. You are at a meeting. Everyone at the meeting is the same sex as you. The leader of the meeting announces that it's time for hugs all around! How do you feel about this?

A. (-10) What is up with all of this hugging stuff? This is unnecessary.
A. (-5) I would feel a little put off by it, frankly.
A. (0) It might be OK.
A. (5) It's kind of nice. No big deal though.
A. (10) I love hugs! Good idea.

Q. As a child, when you played with close friends, how would you describe the type of play you liked to be a part of the most?

A. (-10) I liked to get out and do things. Run, jump, and yell. Let off some steam.
A. (-5) I liked to be pretty active. I liked cool toys too, and we would build forts.
A. (0) I liked neat toys, and we would ride bikes or play ball games.
A. (5) Toys were fun, we would play games where we would pretend a lot.
A. (10) We would make up stories about ourselves and our toys. We would talk and sing too.

Q. You meet somebody and they are polite to you, but seem a little distant. They are actually very attracted to you. How likely are you to know this?

A. (-10) Not very, it is hard to tell with people.
A. (-5) I doubt I would be able to tell without some clues.
A. (0) I might pick up on it.
A. (5) I would probably be able to tell.
A. (10) I can usually tell when somebody likes me a lot, even if they are shy.

Q. You are talking to a very newly met person. During your talk, the person brings up an event from their own youth. The discussion catches them off guard, and they start to cry. How do you react to this?

A. (-10) It makes me feel uncomfortable. I will wait for them to get themselves together. It also depends on the person.
A. (-5) I feel a little put off, but it happens, I guess. If it went on too long, it might be weird.
A. (0) I can understand that. It's a little uncomfortable, but I can understand.
A. (5) I would want to help, if I could. I mean, they are crying.
A. (10) I have had that happen to me. I would try to comfort them as best as I could. I might even give them a hug if it seemed right to do so.

Q. You are alone enjoying some erotic materials of your own preference. What are they?

A. (-10) Films. Films first, maybe pictures too.
A. (-5) Pictures, films are good.
A. (0) Could be either pictures or written words.
A. (5) Probably books or stories.
A. (10) Absolutely stories. Pictures just are not as good as having it written.

Q. Which choice most closely describes why you dress up 'en femme', as a woman.

A. (-10) It is a very sexy thing to do. It is very exciting. I love it!
A. (-5) It does turn me on quite a bit,
A. (0) Sometimes it excites me, sometimes it's just nice.
A. (5) Mostly it just makes me feel better somehow.
A. (10) The only reason I do it is because it makes me feel better. I really don't do it for excitement.

Q. In your early school days, how were you at writing essays, poetry, and reports?

A. (-10) It was rather hard at times. I really did not like it that much.
A. (-5) I could do the job, more or less, but I cannot say I enjoyed writing.
A. (0) I did it well enough.
A. (5) Actually, I kind of enjoyed writing, sometimes.
A. (10) I would get carried away sometimes. I was really proud of my written work.

Q. You are parking your car. You must reverse into a somewhat narrow space to park. What do you do?

A. (-10) I slide right in. Piece of cake!
A. (-5) It's a bother, but I can manage most of the time.
A. (0) It's a little tricky, I might pass on it and look for better.
A. (5) I don't like that situation. I would park there only if things were pretty crowded.
A. (10) I would go look for another place to park. Who needs the aggravation?

Q. You acquire an incredible power. You can change your sex whenever you wish, and the change is absolutely perfect in either form, male or female. What would you most likely do with such a power?

A. (-10) I would use it to switch back and forth for fun!
A. (-5) I would be a lot better than dressing up.
A. (0) I would be whatever I felt like as I desired.
A. (5) I would probably use it to turn female. I would mostly stay that way.
A. (10) I would turn female and I really would not want to use the power again, actually.

Q. You have been visiting a new town for several days. Someone asks you which direction south is. Do you know?

A. (-10) Almost always. After a few days, I know my directions.
A. (-5) I probably could make a pretty solid estimate.
A. (0) I would be guessing a little, but I would have some idea, I think.
A. (5) That would be kind of difficult. I would not feel very sure about it.
A. (10) I probably would not be able to tell. It's not that easy you know?

Q. You are in a public place, such as a waiting room or a park bench. Circumstances require you to sit VERY closely to another person of the same sex. How do you feel about this inside?

A. (-10) I don't really like to sit close like that.
A. (-5) Sitting close kind of bothers me a little.
A. (0) I feel a little uncomfortable with it.
A. (5) I feel uneasy on the rare occasion.
A. (10) I feel perfectly comfortable. It's not a big deal.

Q. A situation involving people has come up. The people are debating the issue, and are unsure of what to do. You understand most of the situation. You are able to act in the manner you feel like. What do you do?

A. (-10) I step in and clear things up.
A. (-5) I let them know what is going on as best as I can..
A. (0) I wait for an opening and offer my knowledge.
A. (5) I listen to make sure I understand, then I ask to offer my suggestions on the matter.
A. (10) I will listen and see if they can figure it out. I might add my ideas to the discussion.

Q. Visualize the following entirely in your head. Do not draw or write anything, just use your mind. Picture a pair of cubes. The two cubes are connected by a bar through their middle, like a dumbbell. Imagine that the dumbbell object is floating in front of you, one cube close to you, the other directly away from you. Now, imagine that the cube nearest you is red, and the cube furthest from you is blue. Picture the dumbbell built of two cube and a rod begins to rotate, the near, red cube, dropping down and away, and the blue, far cube, rotating up and nearer. The dumbbell continues so that it now stands vertical, in front of you, the red cube on the bottom, the blue cube on the top. Continue this direction of rotation, end over end, three times exactly, starting with that state where the red cube was on the bottom, and the blue cube was on the top. What is the position of either cube, red or blue?

A. (-10) I am certain that the red cube is on top.
A. (-5) I think that the blue cube is on the bottom.
A. (0) I feel that the red cube is most likely on the bottom.
A. (5) I am not sure. This is pretty hard. Maybe the red cube is on the bottom?
A. (10) I cannot follow this at all. How am I supposed to understand this?

Q. You are talking with a friend. Outside, far away, somebody is honking their horn regularly and endlessly. It is not very loud, you can just barely hear it in the quiet room. What is your reaction?

A. (-10) So what? I am busy talking with my friend.. I might not even notice it.
A. (-5) It might come to my attention after a while. Depends on the car.
A. (0) I would just ignore it, if I noticed it at all.
A. (5) I would notice it, but I would be too busy chatting with my friend, really.
A. (10) It would bug me. Eventually I might bring it up to my friend, or I might try to ignore it.

Q. Yesterday, you met five new people. Today, you are asked by name about the people you met. How well can you picture their faces in your mind?

A. (-10) Not a chance. I just would not remember their faces. One, maybe.
A. (-5) I would be lucky to remember one or two, to be honest.
A. (0) I might remember what they looked like.
A. (5) I can probably remember what most of them looked like.
A. (10) Really very well! I am very good with faces and names.

Q. In your early school days, how were you at spelling?

A. (-10) To be honest, spelling is a problem for me. Even now I have difficulty.
A. (-5) Spelling was not one of my best abilities.
A. (0) I was fairly good at spelling.
A. (5) I could spell rather well, actually.
A. (10) I was very good at spelling. I still am.

Q. Can you remember tunes or songs easily? Can you hum, sing or whistle them with ease?

A. (-10) I have a very hard time remembering music. It just doesn't stick.
A. (-5) Remembering songs is not what I do best.
A. (0) I am good enough with catchy jingles.
A. (5) I am pretty good at remembering a tune.
A. (10) I am very good at remembering music. I hear it once, and I know it!

Q. You hear a noise from somewhere. Without looking, how well can you identify the direction of the sound from you?

A. (-10) I always know the direction. It's not that hard to do for me.
A. (-5) I pretty much know which direction a sound comes from, more or less.
A. (0) I know where the sound comes from about half of the time I guess.
A. (5) Occasionally I can know where the sound comes from, but not often.
A. (10) I never really know where sounds come from without looking.

Q. You are telling a friend about something that happened to you years ago. How well do you remember what clothing you were wearing?

A. (-10) I would not remember that at all. Why would I? What difference does it make?
A. (-5) Probably I would not remember at all. Unless it was important to the story, of course.
A. (0) I might remember, depending.
A. (5) I would probably remember what I was wearing.
A. (10) I would probably remember my clothing easily, and I might well remember what someone else was wearing too.

Q. You are about the age of 14. You have to take a test, but you can chose which test to take. Getting a good grade will result in a big reward. Which test would you choose to take, if you had a week to study first?

A. (-10) Geometry or Science.
A. (-5) I would choose Science or Math.
A. (0) I would chose History, maybe Science.
A. (5) I would choose English or History.
A. (10) I would definitely choose English.

Q. You are being described by someone. Which phrase do you like THE LEAST.

A. (-10) "Very sweet-tempered and receptive"
A. (-5) "Sympathetic and understanding. Never one to push too hard"
A. (0) "An all around good person"
A. (5) "Always takes immediate command of any situation"
A. (10) "An aggressive and determined competitor, without peer"

Q. You are driving about, doing errands, in the big city. You have been here a few times before, but this is the first time you have been here driving on your own. You have no map with you. What probably happens?

A. (-10) I have no real difficulty.
A. (-5) I get around pretty well.
A. (0) It's a little tricky in places.
A. (5) I might get lost for a bit, but I would find my way soon.
A. (10) I would very likely get lost. I would have to ask for directions.

Q. Your penis and testicles are destroyed, perhaps do to an accident or injury, but they are gone forever. You are otherwise the same as now, but you are utterly without your reproductive organs, just smooth, flat flesh. What is the most realistic statement of how you would deal with this?

A. (-10) I would consider suicide. That would be absolutely horrible.
A. (-5) That would be terrible.
A. (0) I am not sure how I would feel. I could cope, given enough time.
A. (5) It would not bother me. I sometimes think it would be an improvement.
A. (10) I often wish something like that would happen. I seriously do.

Q. You are 10 years old. It is play time. Which activity do you choose?

A. (-10) I go outside and play ball with my friends.
A. (-5) I might ride bikes with my friends.
A. (0) I might swim or play with my toys with my friends..
A. (5) I would walk in the woods with my friends, or play with my pet.
A. (10) I would play pretend games with my friends, or maybe play board games.

Q. You are introduced to someone new. They have a tiny white thread coming out of their gray coat. What is the chance of your noticing this?

A. (-10) I would not notice that. It would not matter.
A. (-5) This is not something I would probably notice.
A. (0) I might notice it. Maybe.
A. (5) I probably would notice it, I might say something later.
A. (10) I almost certainly would notice it.

Q. How much actual discomfort or suffering has any conflict between your physical sex and internal gender caused you?

A. (-10) Not very much. That is not a big issue to me.
A. (-5) Maybe just a little. For the most part I am comfortable with my body.
A. (0) Sometimes I wonder if it would be better to be female.
A. (5) I do not like my body to seem masculine. This is a problem.
A. (10) This is really bothering me. I feel like my body is wrong. I should be female.

Q. Suddenly, somebody throws a ball at you. What is the most realistic outcome?

A. (-10) I would probably catch the ball.
A. (-5) I might catch the ball.
A. (0) I would be surprised. I might drop the ball.
A. (5) I would probably drop the ball.
A. (10) I would be surprised, that's for sure! I doubt I would catch the ball.

Q. You are in a restaurant with some friends. It is moderately noisy, but not loud. A song you know comes over the loudspeakers, but done in Muzak (tm) style, often called "elevator music". Would you recognize the song instantly?

A. (-10) In that style, I probably would not even recognize any song.
A. (-5) I doubt I would recognize the song, especially over the noise.
A. (0) I might recognize the song.
A. (5) I would probably recognize the song, after a few moments.
A. (10) I would recognize the song quickly.

Q. Suddenly the entire world is magically changed. Now you exist in a world utterly devoid of gender. All bodies are hermaphroditic, utterly androgynous in appearance, both male and female at the same time. The culture reflects this, as does all human interaction. You, however, are still yourself inside, with all of your memories of living in our world as it is now. Your feelings are intact, only your flesh has been changed. In this new world, everyone dresses, acts, and lives however they feel at the time, and there is no such thing as being male or being female. You alone remember the world of gender. In such a world, would you still need to dress like a woman?

A. (-10) Without question. I really love being feminine. It would be a very disturbing world, too.
A. (-5) Yes. I really enjoy expressing femininity. I would miss it a lot.
A. (0) I guess it just would not matter anymore, would it? This is my dream world.
A. (5) I don't know. It would be easier to live how I wish though.
A. (10) how I dress is not really the issue for me. I would just dress how I felt.

Q. You are working with a group of people on an important project. What is the most important concern to you with regard to the interpersonal structure of the group?

A. (-10) It is most important that everyone share the same degree of dedication.
A. (-5) Everyone has to work well together. It is best if they keep focused on the job.
A. (0) It's important to get along well, but getting the job done is the first priority.
A. (5) I would be concerned that everyone get along with each other well, and respect each other's feelings.
A. (10) It is best if everyone could be friends, and enjoy each other's company. That would make the job get done faster.

Q. Somewhere, a bell rings softly. You have to point to the exact location instantly. How well can you do this?

A. (-10) I would know right where the bell was.
A. (-5) I would probably be right most of the time.
A. (0) I might get it right.
A. (5) That would be hard to do, but I could probably point to it.
A. (10) I would probably not be able to point it out exactly.

Q. A doctor offers you a painless, absolutely effective means to be completely masculine. All feminine desires and traits would be eliminated, and you would be happy and content to be a man. You would never need to dress, and you would never want to be feminine in any way again. You are assured that after the treatment you would be completely content. Would you take the treatment?

A. (-10) I probably would.
A. (-5) I would seriously consider the option.
A. (0) I don't know. Maybe.
A. (5) I would not want such a treatment.
A. (10) I would run away fast. That would be like death to me.

Q. Pick the word that you would MOST want to be applied to you.

A. (-10) Assertive.
A. (-5) Independent.
A. (0) Adaptable.
A. (5) Understanding.
A. (10) Compassionate.

Q. How easily do you cry at movies?

A. (-10) I really have never cried because of a film.
A. (-5) Movies do not often make me cry.
A. (0) Sometimes, if it is a powerful movie, I might cry.
A. (5) Sometimes something will just get to me, and I will cry.
A. (10) I get really involved, and I cry pretty easily if the scene is intense enough.

Q. Deep down, what gender do you really see yourself as?

A. (-10) I am probably mostly male.
A. (-5) I am more male than female at times.
A. (0) I am neither male nor female. I am kind of half-way .
A. (5) I am probably more female than male.
A. (10) I am mostly female.

Q. Which do you feel is most desirable to possess?

A. (-10) Power.
A. (-5) Respect.
A. (0) Friendship.
A. (5) Compassion.
A. (10) Love.

Q. Pick the choice that most closely represents the age at which your gender first became an issue or a concern to you.

A. (-10) About age 15.
A. (-5) About age 12.
A. (0) About age 9.
A. (5) About age 7
A. (10) About age 5.

Q. Have you ever suffered a migraine 'headache'?

A. (-10) Never.
A. (-5) I doubt it.
A. (0) Maybe once.
A. (5) I have had a few.
A. (10) I have had more than a few over the years.

Q. How long have you felt that you have had a gender incongruous with the sex of your body?

A. (-10) I do not feel that way, at least not strongly.
A. (-5) Fairly recently I have begun to feel that way.
A. (0) I have always wondered about the issue.
A. (5) For a long time now, I have felt that way.
A. (10) My earliest memories are of having a problem with this issue.

Q. What is the honest degree that sexual excitement and attraction play in the importance and value of crossdressing to you?

A. (-10) It really is very important to me.
A. (-5) It matters very much.
A. (0) It is nice but not the only reason.
A. (5) It is not seriously important to me.
A. (10) Actually, it matters very little to me.

Q. How important is it to you that others would accept you completely as a woman?

A. (-10) Having people consider me truly female is not what is important to me.
A. (-5) It is not a major issue to me.
A. (0) It would be nice, but I don't need it to be happy.
A. (5) It is pretty important. I would feel much better if I was so accepted.
A. (10) It is very important to me. I really want to be accepted completely as a woman.

Q. Have you ever seriously contemplated suicide because of your gender issues?

A. (-10) Not ever.
A. (-5) No, not seriously.
A. (0) Maybe I have felt close to it.
A. (5) I have thought about it fairly seriously.
A. (10) There have been times that I have really considered it.

Q. Have you ever been caught, discovered, punished, or found out about with regard to your gender issues, crossdressing, or gender related behavior?

A. (-10) No, I am very discrete.
A. (-5) Maybe once. I stay hidden.
A. (0) I have had a couple of incidents in the past.
A. (5) I have had a few problems. It's tricky to hide completely.
A. (10) It is hard to keep hidden -or- I do not even try.

Q. When you look at a person's face, how well can you honestly judge what they are feeling?

A. (-10) It is hard to tell just by looking.
A. (-5) I would prefer they just tell me. That leaves less to chance.
A. (0) I can tell sometimes.
A. (5) I can usually tell what a person is feeling, more or less.
A. (10) It is pretty obvious to me.

Q. You are having an erection. How do you feel?

A. (-10) I am aroused. That is what it means to have an erection.
A. (-5) Probably pretty good.
A. (0) I might be feeling frisky.
A. (5) It kind of bothers me when that happens.
A. (10) I hate that. I wish it would just stop.

Q. You are trying to describe the complex shape of an unfamiliar object to someone. You are not using your hands, and must rely on words alone. How easy is it for you to convey the shape accurately?

A. (-10) I can picture the shape, but finding the right words can be tough sometimes.
A. (-5) I can see it in my mind, and can pretty much describe it well enough.
A. (0) I can describe the shape fairly well, if I have enough time.
A. (5) I try lots of descriptions and comparisons, but it can be difficult to get the right idea across.
A. (10) It's hard for me to picture shapes clearly in my mind. The words are the easy part.

Q. It is grade school. The teacher gives you a gold star on your work for excellence. What is it for?

A. (-10) I got my addition right.
A. (-5) I knew how to multiply.
A. (0) I knew the name of the capitol.
A. (5) I had perfect spelling with no mistakes.
A. (10) The teacher thought I wrote the best poem.

Q. You are told that something you said probably bothered somebody. What is your reaction?

A. (-10) I think it is their problem.
A. (-5) I have the right to say what I please.
A. (0) I might give it some thought.
A. (5) I would probably try to find out more.
A. (10) I would worry a little bit. I don't want to hurt anyone.

Q. Have you grown your hair long, do you wear a feminine hairstyle, or have you otherwise altered your day-to-day physical appearance to increase the effectiveness of dressing as or expressing your femininity?

A. (-10) No, that would be a bit too much right now.
A. (-5) I really have not done anything that would be noticed.
A. (0) Maybe a little. Not a lot though.
A. (5) I do seem to like my hair and appearance to be more feminine.
A. (10) People sometimes make comments, to tell you the truth.

Q. There is a voice mail on your machine. The person does not leave a name, they seem to expect you to know them. How easy is it for you to remember who called by the sound of their voice?

A. (-10) Pretty difficult, it's just a disembodied voice. I wish they had left their name.
A. (-5) I don't think I could tell just by the voice.
A. (0) I could place them after a few listens ...I might have to think a bit.
A. (5) Usually I know who they are if I play the message a few times.
A. (10) I would know who it is pretty quickly. I am rather good at placing voices.

Q. A stranger is happy at meeting you. He wants to give you a hug. How do you honestly feel about this?

A. (-10) That would be a little weird for me.
A. (-5) I would feel a little put off by it, frankly.
A. (0) It might be OK.
A. (5) It's kind of nice.
A. (10) I like to hug. It's a warm feeling.

Q. You meet somebody and they are polite to you, but seem a little distant. They are actually secretly disliking you. How likely are you to know this?

A. (-10) Not very, it is hard to tell with people.
A. (-5) I doubt I would be able to tell without some clues.
A. (0) I might pick up on it.
A. (5) I would probably be able to tell.
A. (10) I can usually tell when somebody dislikes me, even if they act well.

Q. You are talking to a person you have recently met. During your talk, the person brings up an event from their past. The discussion turns serious, and they start to get strongly emotional. How do you react to this?

A. (-10) It makes me feel uncomfortable.
A. (-5) I feel a little put off, but it happens, I guess.
A. (0) I can understand that. It's a little uncomfortable, but I can understand.
A. (5) I would want to help, if I could, because they are having a hard time.
A. (10) I would try to comfort them as best as I could.

Q. You are masturbating, alone. What turns you on the most?

A. (-10) Visual things, mostly. Images of people together or alone.
A. (-5) I prefer things I can see.
A. (0) Could be pictures or words.
A. (5) Probably words, ideas turn me on the most.
A. (10) Definitely something written, especially if it is written well.

Q. You will never, ever be a woman. You must live the rest of your days entirely as a man, and you will only get more masculine with each passing year. There is no way out. What is your reaction?

A. (-10) I could cope. Not much different than now.
A. (-5) As long as I can still dress in private, I would survive.
A. (0) It would hurt, but I would carry on.
A. (5) I don't think I could bear that.
A. (10) I am better off dead.

Q. You are shown a film of close-up images of the faces of many different people. You are asked to describe the emotions that the people are feeling by the expressions on their faces alone. How well would you be able to tell the emotions of the people?

A. (-10) Probably not that well.
A. (-5) I would have some difficulty with that.
A. (0) I could probably guess some of them.
A. (5) I would be able to get most of them right.
A. (10) I would know what most of the people were feeling.

Q. You are spending time with a group of married friends. Two of them are secretly having an affair. Would you detect this easily?

A. (-10) If they are keeping it secret, how am I supposed to know?
A. (-5) If they slipped up, I could probably guess.
A. (0) I probably would be able to tell, after a while.
A. (5) I usually pick up on such things fairly quickly, I think.
A. (10) I catch that sort of thing easily. You can just tell. You can feel it.

Q. Are you now on - or just about to start - hormone therapy?

A. (-10) No. I am not sure that I want to use hormones.
A. (-5) I am not, but I have thought about it. Probably not.
A. (0) I wonder whether hormones might be good to try.
A. (5) I am about to start hormone therapy, as soon as I can.
A. (10) I am on hormone therapy right now.

Q. Have you ever spent longer than one week living entirely as a woman?

A. (-10) No. I am not sure how I would feel about doing that.
A. (-5) I have tried something like that, but is became tiring or uncomfortable.
A. (0) No, but it might be interesting to try.
A. (5) I would like to do that, and I might if I can.
A. (10) Yes. I really loved it.

Q. Which choice most closely describes how you feel about living as a man in the world?

A. (-10) There are some definite advantages, I have to admit.
A. (-5) It can be useful in many circumstances.
A. (0) It is just one way to be in the world. It has it's problems and benefits.
A. (5) I cannot think of much good about it.
A. (10) It is a pretty unpleasant thing to be.

Q. You are about to die. In your last moments, you are presented with a choice. You can be buried and remembered as a man, or buried and remembered as a woman. Which do you choose?

A. (-10) I want to be remembered accurately. It really doesn't matter at that point anyway.
A. (-5) My family and friends might be bothered by that. Better not change things.
A. (0) Whatever. Doesn't really matter to me.
A. (5) I would probably wish to be remembered as a woman.
A. (10) If I have to die, I would absolutely prefer to be remembered as a woman.

Q. Which is the closest to your own current self definition?

A. (-10) I am a crossdresser.
A. (-5) I have a female side that I like to express.
A. (0) I am sort of both male and female. Perhaps a transgenderist.
A. (5) I am probably a transsexual.
A. (10) I know that I am a transsexual.

Scoring the COGIATI:

Assess the score from this table:
Score: -650 to -389, COGIATI classification ONE, STANDARD MALE
Score: -390 to -129, COGIATI classification TWO, FEMININE MALE
Score: -130 to +129, COGIATI classification THREE, ANDROGYNE
Score: +130 to +389,COGIATI classification FOUR, PROBABLE TRANSSEXUAL
Score: +390 to +650, COGIATI classification FIVE, TRANSSEXUAL

COGIATI classification results:


What this means is that the Combined Gender Identity And Transsexuality
Inventory has classified your internal gender identity to be essentially
masculine, and that your gender issues are primarily matters of personal
expression rather than a medical problem. Any struggles you have are
most likely caused by internal shame over your needs and desires, or
because of curiosity over what those needs represent.


Your situation is the easiest and most secure of all of the COGIATI result

Since your situation is not a matter of any physical or biological concern,
the suggestions for your circumstance are relatively simple.

1. If you have any uncomfortability about your gender expression, some
slight degree of counseling might well prove helpful. The primary goal
would be to make it possible for you to enjoy your gender expressions
free from any shame or embarrassment, and to resolve any remaining
questions you might have.

2. Your gender play is just that ... play, and it is advised that you consider it
as such. Your gender play is a form of enjoyment for you and contributes
to your happiness like any enjoyable interest. You are almost certainly not
a transsexual, and any action taken in that direction would likely lead to

3. If you have not already, consider joining any of the thousands of groups
devoted to gender play of various varieties. There is literally a world of
friends to discover who share your interests. There are also publications,
vacations, and activities that would expand your gender play.


What this means is that the Combined Gender Identity And Transsexuality
Inventory has classified your internal gender identity to be mostly
masculine, and that your gender issues are primarily matters of personal
expression rather than a medical problem. Any struggles you have are
most likely caused by internal shame over your needs and desires, or
because of curiosity over what those needs represent. There is, however,
some indication of a strong feminine side to your being, and this is
intrinsic to your constitution.


Your situation is fairly uncomplicated, so you should be relieved.

Since your situation is almost certainly not a matter of any real physical or
biological concern, the suggestions for your circumstance are relatively

1. If you have any uncomfortability about your gender expression,
counseling might well prove helpful. The primary goal would be to make it
possible for you to enjoy your gender expressions free from any shame or
embarrassment, and to resolve any remaining questions you might have.

2. Your gender issues and expressions are more than mere play, and are a
form of personal identity expression, but this is no indication of
transsexualism. Indeed, all information suggests that the path of the
transsexual is not one you should take, as it would almost certainly lead to
severe unhappiness. It is possible that a partial step towards greater
feminine expression might lead to greater happiness, but such an
undertaking should be approached with extreme caution.

3. If you have not already, consider joining any of the thousands of groups
devoted to gender play of various varieties. There is literally a world of
friends to discover who share your interests. There are also publications,
vacations, and activities that would expand your gender play.



What this means is that the Combined Gender Identity And Transsexuality
Inventory has classified your internal gender identity to be essentially
androgynous, both male and female at the same time, or possibly neither.
In some cultures in history, you would be considered to be a third sex,
independent of the polarities of masculine or feminine. Your gender issues
are intrinsic to your construction, and you will most likely find your
happiness playing with expressing both genders as you feel like it.


Your situation is a little tricky in our current society, but not tremendously
so, depending on your geographic location.

The suggestions for your circumstance are not overly complicated.

1. If you have any comfortability about your gender expression, some
slight degree of counseling might well prove helpful. The primary goal
would be to make it possible for you to enjoy your gender expressions
free from any shame or embarrassment, and to resolve any remaining
questions you might have.

2. As an androgynous being, both genders, and both sexes are natural to
your expression. Permanent polarization in either direction might bring
significant unhappiness. It is not recommended that you go through a
complete transsexual transformation. You might find a partial
transformation of value, if you find yourself more attracted overall to the
feminine. You are more likely a transgenderist, than a transsexual. It is
recommended that you recognize that your gender issues are real, but
that extreme action regarding them should be viewed with great caution.

3. If you have not already, consider joining any of the thousands of groups
devoted to gender play of various varieties. There is literally a world of
friends to discover who share your interests. There are also publications,
vacations, and activities that would expand your gender play.


What this means is that the Combined Gender Identity And Transsexuality
Inventory has classified your internal gender identity to be essentially
feminine, but with some masculine or androgynous traits. It is very
possible that you are a candidate for a diagnosis of transsexualism. You
show a strong degree of gender dysphoria. At the very least, further
investigation should be undertaken. Your COGIATI score places you
among the majority of those diagnosed as transsexuals, the 'late onset'


Your situation is potentially serious and indicative of a probable inborn
gender conflict. It is definitely recommended that you pursue further

The suggestions for your circumstance are several.

1. It is recommended that you seek help from a sympathetic counselor or
professional about your gender issues. It is very possible that over time
they will become increasingly difficult to cope with. Early determination of
what you really need and want is vital. You need to determine if you truly
are transsexual. Keep in mind, though, that many alternatives exist other
than complete sexual transformation. Partial transformation and many
other way of existing are available. While you are very possibly a
transsexual, COGIATI has determined that this is not absolutely certain.
While time is an issue, being certain is more important. Proceed with
investigation of your possible transsexuality or transgenderism, but with

2. Some actions may help you to define your needs more clearly.
Experimenting with living full time as a woman, taking hormones for a
short time under supervision, or taking testosterone suppressers to
observe how you feel are all viable options. Keep in mind that while it is
very likely that you might be a transsexual, it is not certain. Do not take
severe or permanent actions without long thought and the help of
counselors and professionals.

3. Your gender issues are real, and should not be ignored. Neither should
you rush into acting on them, however powerful they may feel. You do not
fit the full criterion for the rarest classification, classic transsexuality, and
so should be cautious, and open to possibilities. You may yet end up
undergoing transition, and the path of the transsexual may well be your
salvation. Be very careful, but do not ignore your issues.

4. If you have not already, consider joining any of the thousands of groups
devoted to gender expression of various kinds. There is literally a world of
friends to discover who share your interests. There are also publications,
vacations, and activities that would expand your gender expression.


What this means is that the Combined Gender Identity And Transsexuality
Inventory has classified your internal gender identity to be female.
According to COGIATI, your mind and gender identity is that of a woman.
You essentially fit the the model of the classic transsexual, and you should
not ignore your gender issues, they will only become more severe.
You definitely need to seek treatment.


Your situation is serious and highly indicative of an inborn gender conflict.
It is strongly recommended that you pursue further action.

The suggestions for your circumstance are important.

1. It is recommended that you seek help from a sympathetic counselor or
professional about your gender issues. Over time they will become
increasingly difficult to cope with. Early confirmation and diagnosis of
your transsexuality is vital. The sooner you seriously seek help, the more
likely you are to not only survive, but to be happy as well.

2. Some actions may help you to define your condition to yourself more
clearly. Experimenting with living full time as a woman, taking hormones
for a short time under supervision, or taking testosterone suppressers to
observe how you feel are all viable options. Keep in mind that while it is
extremely likely that you are a transsexual, it is not certain. Do not take
severe or permanent actions without careful thought and the help of
counselors and professionals.

3. Your gender issues are real, and should not be ignored! Neither should
you rush into acting on them, however powerful they may feel. Transition
to a body with a female sex may be your salvation, but it is imperative that
you be absolutely sure of what your really want. Act IMMEDIATELY to
pursue solving your gender dysphoria. Seek professional assistance

4. If you have not already, consider joining any of the thousands of groups
devoted to gender expression of various kinds. There is literally a world of
friends to discover who share your interests. There are also publications,
vacations, and activities that would expand your gender expression.

5. You have my wishes for your happiness, my sister. Good luck.
